NHFC and NHFA send you our deepest
Gratitude and Love!

The health freedom movement is alive and well because of you.

We remain committed and strong.

Americans understand that health and freedom need to be protected at every turn in the road as our world evolves. The only freedom we have is the freedom we defend. 

NHFC is committed to continuing its work, teaching and coaching Americans and state groups on legislative process; visioning and drafting legislation to protect Health Freedom, and keeping on the move, offering the voice of Health Freedom at national conferences. NHFC stands with you in Health Freedom.

NHFA is committed to continuing its work helping Americans and state groups in their efforts to protect the right of practitioners to practice the healing arts and protecting the fundamental right of all people to make their own health decisions.  NHFA will work hard to continue to provide the righttorefuse.org website to support the Right to Refuse campaign and right to decline emergency countermeasures that do not include consent and offer legislative presentations on Health Freedom at national conferences.

We hope you have a wonderful Holiday greeting the New Year!

The NHFA/NHFC team.